Hello World

It works

This post suggests that I correctly have my Hugo-rendered site up and running. Check the link for more information on the Hugo open-source software, but essentially, it takes Markdown content and renders static site pages for much faster delivery than a traditional CMS with a database, such as Wordpress.

For now, I have the content being hosted for free on Netlify which does offer a reasonable amount of hosting features at no cost. My intent is to integrate the open-source Netlify CMS so I don’t have to write Markdown files in a text editor. And then at some point, I’ll likely move the entire site to GitHub Pages for free.

Why GitHub Pages

Because all of the content on this site is actually stored on GitHub.

Github repo of my blog

That offers me a relatively permanent record of all the content. At the moment Netlify looks for changes to my blog repo and serves up the static pages.

Things to do

  • Remove/modify the default yellow SVG image for this theme
  • Tweak the theme so it looks how I want (I want some blurbs under each post on the home page, for example.)
  • Update About page Completed, 8/10/2020
  • Create/add favicon
  • Create templates for various types of content
  • Find and implement an open source commenting system
  • Install/integrate the Netlify CMS Completed, 5/30/2020
  • Move site to GitHub Pages Decided to use Netlify
  • Point custom domain to site Completed, 6/5/2020
  • Programmatically archive and display my Twitter history
  • See if I can hook the CMS into Google Photos via an API; every image I capture on my own is in Google Photos.
  • Look at coding an image converter (or connecting to one using JS) so all images are .webp if supported and .jpeg/.gif/.png if not
  • Code something up to save multiple image sizes for better responsive web experience


Chris Stayte: Helpful videos on how to set up & use Hugo as well as Netlify

Munif Tanjam: I wanted a great looking, highly customizable minimalist theme and Munif’s Minimo is what I chose.

Dave Winer: For getting me to think about keeping my content out of silos.